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Bringing organisation and effective leadership and management

Service Description

• Promoting good decisions in all actions, acting in a morally, legally and socially appropriate manner in dealings with stakeholders and members of programme teams and organisation • Developing and managing teams • Identifying, addressing and resolving differences between individuals and/or interest groups • Preparing and maintaining schedules of programme activities and events, taking account of dependencies and resource requirements • Developing, implementing and updating resource allocations plans (other than finance) needed for programmes, taking account of availabilities and scheduling • Developing and agreeing budgets for programmes and controlling forecast and actual costs against them • Identifying and monitoring programme risks (threats and opportunities), planning and implementing responses to them and responding to other issues that affect programmes • Consolidating and documenting the fundamental components of programmes (scope, schedule, resource requirements, budgets, risks, opportunities and issues, and quality requirements) • Managing the integration of programme outcomes into business-as-usual, addressing the readiness of users, compatibility of work systems and the realisation of benefits • Planning and controlling finances of programmes as a means of driving performance and as part of the organisation’s overall financial management • Preparing and maintaining an overall schedule for resource use, which avoids bottlenecks and conflicting demands, and sequencing outcomes, to enable the efficient realisation of benefits • Managing stakeholders, taking account of their levels of influence and particular interests • Identifying and/or developing frameworks and methodologies that ensure management of programmes will be comprehensive and consistent across different initiatives • Establishing and managing reviews at appropriate points, during and after projects, which will inform governance of projects by providing evaluations of progress, methodologies and continuing relevance • Establishing, and implementing where necessary, protocols to change the scope of programmes and updating configuration documents as required • Gathering independent evidence that the information from projects and programmes in portfolios is valid and that programmes are likely to achieve their aims • Identifying, defining, evaluating, planning, tracking and realising the business benefits of programmes

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